
General Assembly

The General Assembly currently meets under its president on the last saturday of the month and addresses isues related to the goals of the association. It can also reconvene for special and emergency special sessions. Its composition, functions, powers, voting, and procedures are set out in our constitution.

Voting in the General Assembly on certain important issues as well as election, admission, suspension or expulsion of members is by a two-thirds majority of registered  members present at the session and voting. Other questions are decided by a straightforward majority. Each member has one vote.

You would like to be part of our next General Assembly? contact us



Energy Self-Sufficiency – Hybrid Energy Sysstem- C.P.C Bali


Guaranteeing Energy self-sufficiency for Cameroon Protestant College (C.P.C) Bali through access to regenerative sources of energy  – Wind, Solar and Biogas

Project Overview