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Altonale 2024

ACCADA-e.V. will participate in this year’s Altonale festival which will take place on 2-3 June 2024 in Hamburg. This is the 10th time the association will take part in this yearly street festival.

Same as last year, ACCADA will continue to present itself to the public, and to promote its project which is centred on “The Impact of Racism on Our Children”. This long-term project aims at establishing a forum for immigrant children, their parents, and the wider public to share their experiences of racism or discrimination, listen to experts, strategize on how to better prepare the children to face future challenges, in order to promote integration and tolerance within our communities and the society at large.

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ACCADA participates in Altonale 2023

ACCADA-e.V. has actively participated in this year’s Altonale festival which took place on 1-2 July 2023 in Hamburg. This is the 9th time the association has taken part.

During this street event, ACCADA took the opportunity to present itself to the public, and to promote its current project which is centred on “The Impact of Racism on Our Children”. This long-term project aims at establishing a forum for immigrant children, their parents, and the wider public to share their experiences of racism or discrimination, listen to experts, strategize on how to better prepare the children to face future challenges, promote integration and tolerance within our communities and the society at large.

The ACCADA stand was visited by over 450 members of the public. Many of them expressed interest and curiosity about the topic and engaged in meaningful and informative discussions with the ACCADA team led by Mr. James Nkengfack. The caption on our poster “Racism is a Pandemic Too” was highly appreciated.

They also curiously had a taste of Cameroonian delicacies such as “Puff Puff”, fried plantains, and cakes, accompanied with coffee. In appreciation and support of our projects, freewill donations were received.

The resonance and feedback from the public on this first part of the project were very positive and in addition to contacts established during this event, the association is now more motivated to move forward with the project in its entirety.

The next steps include a survey amongst African migrant children, round table discussions, football matches, intercultural exchange programs, and gala events. Further announcements will be published on this website.

ACCADA wishes to take this opportunity to thank all those who visited our stand, engaged in discussions with us, tried the plantains and puff puff, as well as donated to support our activities. Your continuous support in making the world a better place for all is deeply appreciated.

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New Executive Bureau

A new executive Bureau was voted into office at the GA meeting on the 25.03.2023. The new bureau is headed by Mr. Kenneth Asang as the president, who takes over from the out-going president Mr. Jimmy Knegfack who has served in this capacity for 4 years (two terms).

The new Bureau was swon in to office on the 29.05.2023.

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Support to Displaced Pupils

At the begining of the 2022/23 accademic year in Cameroon, ACCADA provided over 50 raincoats to needy, internally displaced pupils residing in Douala Cameroon.

The initiative was agreed on by the General Assebly of the association after receiving a letter from a local association soliciting support.

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The yearly  Altonale street festival in Hamburg shall take place this year on from the 1-2nd July 2023.

As has been the tradition  for over 10 years, the association shall participate at this year’s event.  The theme we will be promoting is: Racism and its Effects on our Offsprings.

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